
The platform that keeps you in control

Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive emails, manage your calendar, and have video chats without data leaks. As an utterly on-premises solution, Nextcloud Hub provides the benefits of online collaboration without security and compliance risks.

Nextcloud Hub is the first fully integrated local content collaboration platform on the market, ready for a new generation of users who expect seamless, out-of-the-box online collaboration capabilities.

Reliable cloud solution with GDPR compliance

Nextcloud Files

Nextcloud Files offers a universal-premises file access and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities and desktop, mobile, and web interfaces.

Nextcloud Talk

Nextcloud Talk offers private on-premise audio / video conferencing and text chat via browser and mobile interfaces with integrated screen sharing and SIP integration.

Nextcloud Groupware

Nextcloud Groupware integrates Calendar, Contacts, Mail, and other productivity features to help teams get work done faster, easier, and on their terms.

Nextcloud Office

A powerful LibreOffice-based online office suite with collaborative editing, which supports all major documents, spreadsheets, and much more.

Losing control?

Your teams use email attachments, public chat apps, and consumer file-sharing tools to communicate and collaborate. Take back control with Nextcloud.

Nextcloud use cases


Governments are moving away from foreign cloud providers amid rising concerns about digital sovereignty.


Amid a push to improve efficiency and facilitate remote work through online collaboration technology, enterprises counter a growing compliance, cost and data leak risk by strategic deployments of Nextcloud.

Service providers

Leverage your infrastructure and keep your customers yours with a fully branded platform that offers a great user experience.


Leverage your infrastructure and keep your customers yours with a fully branded platform that offers a great user experience.

Why Nextcloud?

With over 400.000 deployments, Nextcloud is the most popular on-premises content collaboration platform you can download. It scales from a Raspberry Pi with 2 users to globally distributed installations with tens of millions of users at major hosting providers. What makes it so popular?


Enable productivity across any platform, whether in the office or on the road, to share, collaborate and communicate across organizational boundaries. Nextcloud provides transparent access to data on any storage.


Protect, control and monitor data and communication across your company. Guarantee compliance with business and legal requirements. Keep your data on servers you own, at all times. Nothing leaks, not even metadata.


Enjoy constant improvements from a thriving and transparent, entirely open-source community development model, free of lockins or paywalls. Enjoy the benefits of enterprise support when you need it.

See Plans

Web Storage

Root Access



DDoS Protection

24x7 Support

Up Time

Mobile and desktop clients

Unlimited users

Completely open source

Nextcloud Basic

$57.99 /monthly

2x 100 GB RAID


2 GB


Nextcloud Standard

$131.52 /monthly

2x 200 GB RAID


4 GB


Nextcloud Professional

$196.97 /monthly

2x 300 GB RAID


6 GB


Nextcloud Enterpise

$530.00 /monthly

2x 500 GB RAID


16 GB



Free Quote

Contact us and let’s discuss how we can help your business.